What should I do if my name has been omitted, misspelled or erroneously written in the National Registry of Overseas Absentee Voters (NROAV)?
You may personally, or through your authorized representative, file with the COAV or with the Post having jurisdiction over the voter’s residence, an Application for Reinstatement in the NROAV by accomplishing OAVF No. 1D; or accomplish OAVF No. 1E for CORRECTION OF WRONG ENTRIES/MISSPELLED NAMES/CHANGE OF NAME & OTHER ENTRIES IN THE VOTER’S ID/NATIONAL REGISTRY OF OVERSEAS VOTERS (NROAV) and submit the same to the COAV or the Post having jurisdiction over the applicant’s residence, not later than 14 December 2012.
I registered as an overseas absentee voter in 2003 and I was able to vote in the 2004 and 2007 National Elections but was unable to vote in 2010 National Elections. Do I still need to apply for certification to vote abroad?
No, because your name is already listed in the Certified List of Overseas Absentee Voters (CLOAV) and the National Registry of Overseas Absentee Voters (NROAV) but if you fail to vote in the 2013 National Elections abroad, your name will be deleted from the CLOAV of your Embassy or Consulate.
I registered as an overseas voter in 2010 but I know I will be in another country come 13 May 2013. Can I vote in the 2013 elections?
Yes, you have to file a Letter-Request for Transfer of Registration Record (OAVF No. 1B) before your Embassy or Consulate.