The PHILIPPINES stands at the crossroads of the developed Western world and the
Orient. It lies in the heart of Southeast Asia, stretching more than 1,840 kilometers.
Composed of 7,107 islands, the Philippines is readily accessible to the different
capitals of the world. Its three main islands are Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.
The South China Sea washes its western shores. Taiwan, China and Hong Kong are northern
neighbors and further north is Japan. To the west lie Southeast Asian countries
such as Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand. An arm of the archipelago reaches out
towards Borneo and at its feet stands the chain of Indonesian islands. To the east
and south, the waters of the Pacific Ocean sweep its headlands, looking out towards
Micronesia and Polynesia. Its unique location has made the Philippines the commercial,
cultural and intellectual hub of Asia from the dawn of history.
Source of photos: Department of Tourism